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预告:John Mallet-Paret

来源 :      作者 : 沈冬杰     时间 : 2012-06-25  访问量 : 271


预告:John Mallet-Paret 谈“Tensor Products, Positive Operators, and Delay-Differential Equations”
地点:教学D楼104 党员之家
Abstract:We study a class of linear delay-differential equations, with a single delay, of the form 未命名.Such nonlinear equations occur in a variety of scientific models, and despite their simple appearance, can lead to a rather difficult mathematical analysis. We develop an associated linear theory to equation (*) by taking the m-fold wedge product (in the infinite dimensional sense of tensor products) of the dynamical system generated by (*).



   John Mallet-Paret是美国常青藤盟校布朗大学应用数学中心教授,物理系Chase Professor,Lefschetz 动力系统中心主任,主要研究方向:Dynamical Systems, Pattern Formation, Singular Perturbations, Reaction-diffusion and Bifurcation theory 等,现任著名SCI Top 期刊J. Differential Equations主编,Top期刊Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations及 Top期刊Discrete and Continuous Dynamic Systems编委,以及Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly,Communications in Applied Analysis,Dynamic Systems and Applications等八大杂志编委,美国工业与应用数学(SIAM)顾问,Reid奖和Moser奖委员会主席等。


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