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学术预告:叶剑挺谈“Novel Electronics on Ion-gated Nanosheets”

来源 :      作者 : 沈冬杰     时间 : 2013-09-06  访问量 : 227


时间:2013年09月10日 (周二) 下午 16:30
地点:下沙校区第三实验楼 5楼报告厅
Dr. Jianting Ye received Bachelor degree in 2000 from Physics Department in Zhejiang Univ. and PhD in 2006 from Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology (HKUST). After that he had postdoc experience in HKUST, Tohoku Univ., the Univ. of Tokyo and RIKEN, and he will soon join the faculty of Groningen Univ. in Netherlands as an associate professor.
Recently, he carried out the groundbreaking research of utilizing electrochemical concepts of controlling movement of ions as an efficient way to operate field-effect transistors. By the introduction of a new ionic materials, ionic liquids on thin nano-flakes isolated from various layered materials, he succeeded in controlling many quantum phase transitions using field effect. The results were published by leading journals like PNAS, Nature Materials, and Science. And his researches were highly appreciated and quickly followed by many research groups around the world as a driving force in many fields of condensed matter physics.

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