We focus on Toeplitz reconstruction in his report. In matrix completion, A structure-preserving algorithm based on a quadratic programming technique, a mean value algorithm and modified augmented Lagrange multiplier are proposed, their convergences are discussed, the numerical experiments show that these algorithms are more effective than previous algorithms such as SVT, APG, ALM etc. In matrix recovery, four modified algorithms by mean value are presented, their convergences are discussed, the numerical experiments show that these algorithms are more effective than previous algorithms. Our new algorithms preserve Toeplitz structure so that fast singular value decomposition is applied to decrease CPU time.
王川龙教授,太原师范学院数学系二级教授、计算数学专业硕士生导师,现任太原师范学院副院长,计算数学研究所所长。山西省首届青年学术带头人,首批山西省委联系的高级专家,山西省首届教学名师,全国计算数学学会第六届第七届理事,中国工业与应用数学学会常务理事,山西省工业与应用数学学会副理事长, 山西省数学会常务理事。
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