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来源 : 理学院     作者 : 理学院     时间 : 2016-11-28  访问量 : 270


This work presents a pest control predator–prey model, where rate of change in prey density follows a scaling law with exponent less than one and the control is by an integrated management strategy. The aim is to investigate the change in system dynamics and determine a pest control level with minimum control price. First, the dynamics of the proposed model without control is investigated by taking the exponent as an index parameter. And then, to determine the frequency of spraying chemical pesticide and yield releases of the predator, the existence of the order-1 periodic orbit of the control system is discussed in cases. Furthermore, to ensure a certain robustness of the adopted control, i.e., for an inaccurately detected species density or a deviation, the control system could be stabilized at the order-1 periodic orbit, the stability of the order-1 periodic orbit is verified by a stability criterion for a general semi-continuous dynamical system. In addition, to minimize the total cost input in pest control, an optimization problem is formulated and the optimum pest control level is obtained. At last, the numerical simulations with a specific model are carried out to complement the theoretical results.




  Dr Zhang is a mathematician at Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, who finished his PhD from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2005, with a major in Applied Mathematics (Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems). Before joining Swinburne University, he had been working at Curtin University, Perth as a postdoctoral fellow and then a research fellow from August 2005 to October 2010. His current research interests are dynamical system and its application in mathematical biology and modelling of industrial processes. He has published over 90 papers including more than 80 journal articles and one monography on computations of complex industrial systems.


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