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学术预告:Prof. Gerd Schön谈“Decoherence spectroscopy of individual two-level tunneling defects”

来源 : 理学院     作者 : 理学院     时间 : 2017-12-05  访问量 : 117



报告人:Prof. Gerd SchönKarlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany


Progress with microfabricated quantum devices has revealed that an ubiquitous source of noise are parasitic two-level systems (TLSs). For superconducting qubits, TLSs residing on electrode surfaces and in tunnel junctions account for a major part of decoherence and thus pose a serious roadblock to the realization of solid-state quantum processors. Recent experiments [J. Lisenfeld et al., Sci. Rep. 6, 23786 (2016)] utilized a superconducting qubit to explore the quantum state evolution of these material-based TLSs in order to shed new light on their individual properties and environmental interactions.

We studied theoretically the dephasing of these individual high-frequency TLSs due to their interaction with an ensemble of low-frequency thermal TLSs which are described by the standard tunneling model (STM). We show that the dephasing by the bath of TLSs explains both the dependence of the Ramsey dephasing rate on an externally applied strain as well as its order of magnitude, as observed in experiment.


1991 – present, University of Karlsruhe, Full Professor of Physics,   chair: Institut für Theoretische Festkörperphysik1998 – present, Group Leader at the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institute of Nanotechnology 。共发表文章200多篇;其中13篇是Reviews, Book Chapters (包括一篇Rev. Mod. Phys. (2001)) ; 多篇Nature文章,几十篇PRL;其余几乎都是PRB类似的文章。


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