报告人: Zikuan Chen Ph.D (陈自宽) The Mind Research Network, USA(美国心智网络研究所)
BOLD fMRI has been widely accepted for brain function study. In nature, the output of BOLD fMRI consists of a pair of magnitude and phase components. Conventionally, only the magnitude has been used for brain function analysis, and the phase data were discarded. Recent research shows that neither the magnitude nor the phase of BOLD fMRI is a faithful representation of the original brain magnetic state due to MRI-introduced transformations (such as the dipole effect) and nonlinear distortions (such as complex modulo and complex argument calculations). One consequence is that the raw BOLD fMRI data is determined by MRI experiment parameters, such as B0 and echo time (TE). In principle, we can remove the MRI transformations and MRI parameter dependences by computationally solving an inverse MRI problem (CIMRI). In this talk, I will present the CIMRI principle (inverse MRI theory) and technology (3D dipole inversion) for reconstructing the original brain magnetic state (free from MRI influences) ,in particular about the physics aspects of inverse MRI.
陈自宽,1993, 获南开大学博士学位;1997-1999, 博士后(美国代顿大学,田纳西大学);2000-2006, 副研究员,研究助理教授 (加州大学欧文分校,罗切斯特大学);2006-2008, 教授(东北大学生物医学工程);2008-至今, 美国心智网络研究所 研究员。
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