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讲座预告:舒洪英教授谈“Dirichlet problem for a delayed diffusive hematopoiesis model”

来源 : 理学院     作者 : 理学院     时间 : 2018-12-11  访问量 : 339

报告人:舒洪英 教授,陕西师范大学

报告题目:Dirichlet problem for a delayed diffusive hematopoiesis model

报告摘要:We study the dynamics of a delayed diffusive hematopoiesis model with twotypes of Dirichlet boundary conditions. For the model with a zero Dirichletboundary condition, we establish global stability of the trivial equilibriumunder certain conditions, and use the phase plane method to prove the existenceand uniqueness of a positive spatially heterogeneous steady state.We further obtain delay-independent as well as delay-dependent conditions for the local stability of this steady state. For the model with a non-zero Dirichlet boundary condition, we show that the only positive steady state is a constant solution. Results for the local stability of the constant solution are also provided. By using the delay as a bifurcation parameter, we show that the model has in_nite number of Hopf bifurcation values and the global Hopf branches bifurcated from these values are unbounded, which indicates the global existence of periodic solutions.




    主要研究微分动力系统及生物数学方面的应用,所研究的问题涉及到病毒感染动力学、流行病学、免疫学及人口动力学等。已发表SCI收录论文20余篇,其中有5篇ESI高被引论文,分别发表在Journal of Differential Equations, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, Nonlinearity, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, Journal of Mathematical Biology,Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, JMAA, DCDS上。在加拿大做博士后期间,作为第一申请人获得并主持了加拿大大西洋数学研究协会科研基金,多次在国际国内会议做过邀请报告。曾主持一项上海市自然科学基金项目,目前主持一项国家自然科学基金项目。


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