主讲人:邓世文,教授,哈尔滨师范大学数学学院,2012年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学计算学院人工智能与信息处理专业,主要研究方向:优化方法与智能信息处理、模式识别、机器学习、信号处理等,具体涉及以下应用研究内容:声学事件检测、声音场景识别、心音信号分析与识别、遥感图像处理与识别、信号增强等。在IEEE T. SIGNAL. PROCES.、IEEE SIGNAL PROC. LET.、MECH. SYST. SIGNAL PR.、DIGIT SIGNAL PROCESS.等期刊及本领域国际学术会议ICASSP、Interspeech、ICPR等发表学术论文19篇。
内容简介:The manifold assumption is wildly used in maching learning, based on which many mainifold-inspired methods are described, explicitly or Implicitly.
In this report, we provide some results of the autoencoder (AE) in deep learning and our current works as follows:
1) explicit geometric interpretation in contractive AE, denosing AE, and winner-take-all AE;
2) Implicit manifold assumption in sparse coding
3) Fast approximation for primal splitting algorithm with the manifold assumption.
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