时间:1月17日(周三) 上午 10:00
The numerical algorithms are categorized into three: a. the existing simulation techniques have to be extended to perform such simulations. b. or complex systems it is often necessary to used coarse-grained models that are computationally cheap c. Prediction/Interperation new phenonomen and new physics. In this context, we looked at:
1.Computation of transport properties of complex molecular gases (category a). This is a very old problem dating back to Boltzmann and Chapman & Enskog. Surprisingly, these computational techniques had never been developed.
2.Development of a cheap and robust model potential for
coarse-graining that does not suffer from the computational drawback of the widely used Lennard-Jones potential (category b)
3.Techniques to studies coupled transport (such as diffusio-osmosis) in driven non-equilibrium systems (category a).
4.Techniques to study sub-threshold transients in epidemics (a prototypical non-Boltzmann problem) (category a).
5.we predict new brand wetting phenomen, Pre-solid-solid transition, and interprete the unusual behavior of hard sphere galss (category c).
王锡朋2015年于中国科学技术大学获得博士学位,并获得中国科学院院长优秀奖,随后先后在香港科技大学,剑桥大学等著名机构从事博士后研究。王锡朋博士主要从事计算软凝聚态物理的研究工作,具体研究方向包括玻璃化转变,固固转变,统计物理以及数值算法方面的研究,以第一作者发表Nature Physics 1篇,PRL 2篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项。
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