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格物讲堂系列讲座:Nicolas Sisourat 教授谈 “Environment assisted electron capture”

来源 : 智博1919网页版     作者 : 智博1919网页版     时间 : 2024-04-15  访问量 : 86

时间:4月19日(星期五)14:00 ~ 15:00



Energy transfer between atoms and molecules mediates numerous elementary processes. During the talk, I will present a recently discovered long-range high energy transfer mechanism, namely the Interatomic Coulombic Electron Capture (ICEC). ICEC is an environment assisted process in which a free electron can efficiently attach to an ion, atom or molecule. In ICEC, the excess energy of the electron attachment is transferred to a neighbor which is thus ionized. ICEC ultrafast process driven by the electronic correlation between two quantum objects.

I will first give an overview on our current knowledge on this relevant process, then summarize the theoretical development and the studies our group has recently made to push forward our understanding of ICEC.


Dr. Prof. Nicolas Sisourat, Laboratoire de Chimie Physique - Matière et Rayonnement, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France. He is a highly accomplished researcher in atomic and molecular physics, theoretical chemistry, and computational physics. The main research activity is the development of theoretical approaches and associated numerical tools for the description of ultrafast electronic and nuclear processes, including the electronic motion in the course of electron- and ion-molecule collisions, the electronic and nuclear response of a molecule in an intense laser field and the electronic decay processes of excited molecules and the nuclear dynamics associated to it. He has over 80 publications including in high-ranked journals such as Nature Phys., Nature Chem., Nature Comm., Phys. Rev. Lett. and J. Phys. Chem. Lett., etc. He also serves as referee to these journals and in editorial capacities.


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