I will introduce our recent work (jointed with Hong Qian and Yong-Shi Wu) on a new information thermodynamics which fulfills E. T. Jaynes’ vision of unifying information theory and statistical thermodynamics (Part A) and bridging Kolmogorov’s probability theory with statistical data modeling (Part B). Logarithm-based Shannon entropy figures prominently for i.i.d. sample statistics. A host of Boltzmann’s H-theorem-like dynamics and equations in stochastic thermodynamics are naturally derived through Markov dynamics in our theory. The connection of our work to non-equilibrium field theory will also be discussed through the Cramer’s theorem in large deviation theory.
苗兵,中国科学院大学教授,博士生导师。对与涨落有关的理论物理基础问题有广泛兴趣。2006年博士毕业于中国科学院。2006年 - 2011年分别在加拿大圣弗朗西斯泽维尔大学和圭尔夫大学物理系,德国马普聚合物研究所理论系做博士后。2019年3月和9月分别任德国马普智能体系研究所和法国波尔多大学理论物理组访问教授。现任兰州大学智博1919网页版兼职教授。
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