Twisted bilayer graphene (TBG), or more generally, twistronics, is a hot topic in quantum physics. Intensive studies have been stimulated on the superconductivity, insulator transition and topological properties of TBG and related moiré systems. However, control of high degrees on the electronic systems is far from perfect. Owing to the excellent controllability of the system parameters and refined measurement techniques, optical lattices hosting ultracold atoms have become an ideal platform for simulating twistronics. By loading ultracold atoms into spin-dependent optical lattices, we have successfully realized the counterpart of TBG and observed exotic behaviors beyond TBG. In this talk, I will discuss our recent works on this topic.
高超,浙江师范大学物理系教授。2010年毕业于北京师范大学并获得物理学学士学位;2015年毕业于清华大学高等研究院并获得物理学博士学位。主要致力于超冷原子物理的理论研究,在量子少体散射和多体动力学方面做出了系列贡献。迄今发表了多篇高水平SCI论文,其中包括Nature一篇,Physical Review Letters三篇,Physical Review X一篇,他引600余次。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和面上项目、浙江省自然科学基金杰出青年项目等,并入选首批“浙江省高校领军人才培养计划”。
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